Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Passport and Visa Requirements by Country

Home»Agent Resources»Visa Requirements
  • AGENTS, please review requirements for Peruvian Consulates and follow the hyperlink for the jurisdiction that serves your area for visas . You will send the visa request for your applicants to the Consulate in your jurisdiction. You will not require a letter from our office in order to request a visa in your jurisdiction. IF YOU ARE in Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, DC - you will send your requests to Fort Belvoir for processing. Please be sure to the look at the website for the Consulate you will be utilizing in order to ensure you are fulfilling their requirements. If you are utilizing Fort Belvoir, you follow Passport Matters for requirements.
  • Information contained within this site is not all inclusive with what is in the Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG). Therefore, be sure for each case to check the FCG for any additional information. This is only a listing of the most frequently traveled to countries. If there is a conflict with what's in the FCG and this site, Primary requirements are to follow the FCG and please call or contact PSD; for clarification. Email:
  • NOTE: When providing the exact purpose in block 19 of the DD Form 1056, do not state "PCS/TDY, or official business". This is insufficient to validate a passport requirement. Applicants must list the exact purpose of the trip and provide Bona Fide support("Why are you going PCS/TDY?", "What will you be doing at your PCS/TDY location?")
  • NOTE: Applicants may not apply for both a passport and visa at the same time. All passports must be signed appropriately to be considered a legal document.
  • SPECIAL NOTICE: Visas will not be pulled from processing unless written documentation is received from the applicant, endorsed by the Passport Agent, stating that "the applicant is aware he is taking matters into his own hands delaying processing and attempting to obtain their own visas without any assistance from DOD Passport Matters". This notice can be emailed to: The documentation is required because members in the past have requested their visas be stopped and that they would get the visas on their own. DoD applicants are not authorized to engage the Embassy or Consulate unless notated on the requirements. Individuals who tried, ran into several problems obtaining visas prior to entry into a country; therefore it is highly recommend that all DoD personnel coordinate with he DoD passport and Visa office to obtain the required visa(s) prior to traveling, even if it means delaying the trip.
  • Click on the specific country below to review passport and visa requirements for that country.
    Select the country:
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U.S. Army Installation Management Command G1/MPD Passport Service Division
9301 Chapek Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
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